The kick-off meeting of the MigrEmpower project was successfully held in Spain on the 11th-12th December 2017.
Partners from 8 EU organisations, coming from Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Germany, Austria and France, were gathered to establish a common vision and understanding on the project’s development, as well as to discuss about the upcoming Intellectual Outputs. In addition, the consortium of partners agreed on certain key roles and responsibilities, and decided on the focus of the MigrEmpower project and the next deadlines to be met. The leader partner, Red2Red, has clarified all the aspects of the project management and contributed in answering all queries in relation to the project’s implementation. All partners are now preparing their national report on the “Study on policies and good practices addressed to migrants and refugees’ social and labour integration”. The next meeting is foreseen to take place in Germany (Leipzig) on the 20th and 21st March 2018.